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// Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
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// ====================================================
// Tanh(x)
// Return the Hyperbolic Tangent of x
// Method :
// x -x
// e - e
// 0. tanh(x) is defined to be -----------
// x -x
// e + e
// 1. reduce x to non-negative by tanh(-x) = -tanh(x).
// 2. 0 <= x <= 2**-55 : tanh(x) := x*(one+x)
// -t
// 2**-55 < x <= 1 : tanh(x) := -----; t = expm1(-2x)
// t + 2
// 2
// 1 <= x <= 22.0 : tanh(x) := 1- ----- ; t=expm1(2x)
// t + 2
// 22.0 < x <= INF : tanh(x) := 1.
// Special cases:
// tanh(NaN) is NaN;
// only tanh(0)=0 is exact for finite argument.
function tanh (x) {
// x is Infinity or NaN
if (!isFinite(x)) {
// tanh(+/-inf) = +/- 1, tanh(NaN) = NaN;
if (x > 0) {
return 1/x + 1;
} else {
return 1/x - 1;
var ax = Math.abs(x);
// |x| < 22
if (ax < 22) {
if (ax < Math.pow(2,-55)) {
// |x| < 2^-55, tanh(small) = small.
// The multiplication by 1+x is probably so inexact is
// signaled when x is not zero. This is probably not
// required for Javascript, so we could just return x.
return x*(1 + x);
if (ax >= 1) {
// |x| >= 1
t = expm1(2*ax);
z = 1 - 2/(t + 2);
} else {
t = expm1(-2*ax);
z = -t/(t + 2);
} else {
// |x| > 22, return +/- 1
z = 1;
return (x >= 0) ? z : -z;