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// Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Developed at SunSoft, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
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// ====================================================
// fdlibm does not have an explicit log2 function, but fdlibm's pow
// function does implement an accurate log2 function as part of the
// pow implementation. This extracts the core parts of that as a
// separate log2 function.
// Method:
// Compute log2(x) in two pieces:
// log2(x) = w1 + w2
// where w1 has 53-24 = 29 bits of trailing zeroes.
var bp = [1, 1.5];
var dp_h = [0, 5.84962487220764160156e-01];
var dp_l = [0, 1.35003920212974897128e-08];
// Polynomial coefficients for (3/2)*(log2(x) - 2*s - 2/3*s^3)
var L1 = 5.99999999999994648725e-01; // 0x3FE33333, 0x33333303
var L2 = 4.28571428578550184252e-01; // 0x3FDB6DB6, 0xDB6FABFF
var L3 = 3.33333329818377432918e-01; // 0x3FD55555, 0x518F264D
var L4 = 2.72728123808534006489e-01; // 0x3FD17460, 0xA91D4101
var L5 = 2.30660745775561754067e-01; // 0x3FCD864A, 0x93C9DB65
var L6 = 2.06975017800338417784e-01; // 0x3FCA7E28, 0x4A454EEF
// cp = 2/(3*ln(2)). Note that cp_h + cp_l is cp, but with more accuracy.
var cp = 9.61796693925975554329e-01; // 0x3FEEC709, 0xDC3A03FD =2/(3ln2)
var cp_h = 9.61796700954437255859e-01; // 0x3FEEC709, 0xE0000000 =(float)cp
var cp_l = -7.02846165095275826516e-09; // 0xBE3E2FE0, 0x145B01F5 =tail of cp_h
function log2 (x)
var ax = Math.abs(x);
var hx = _DoubleHi(x);
var lx = _DoubleLo(x);
var ix = hx & 0x7fffffff;
// Handle special cases
if ((ix | lx) == 0) {
// log2(+/- 0) = -Infinity
return -Infinity;
if (hx < 0) {
// log(x) = NaN, if x < 0
return NaN;
if (ix >= 0x7ff00000) {
// log2(Infinity) = Infinity
// log2(NaN) = NaN
return x;
var n = 0;
// Take care of subnormal number
if (ix < 0x00100000) {
ax *= Math.pow(2, 53);
n -= 53;
ix = _DoubleHi(ax);
n += (ix >> 20) - 0x3ff;
var j = ix & 0x000fffff;
// Determine interval
ix = j | 0x3ff00000; // normalize ix
var k;
// console.log("n = " + n);
// console.log("j = " + j);
// console.log("ix = " + ix);
if (j <= 0x3988e) {
// |x| < sqrt(3/2)
k = 0;
} else if (j < 0xbb67a) {
// |x| < sqrt(3)
k = 1;
} else {
k = 0;
n += 1;
ix -= 0x00100000;
ax = _ConstructDouble(ix, _DoubleLo(ax));
// console.log("ax = " + ax);
// Compute ss = s_h + s_l = (x - 1)/(x+1) or (x - 1.5)/(x + 1.5)
var u = ax - bp[k];
var v = 1 / (ax + bp[k]);
var ss = u * v;
var s_h = _ConstructDouble(_DoubleHi(ss), 0);
// t_h = ax + bp[k] High
var t_h = _ConstructDouble(((ix >> 1) | 0x20000000) + 0x00080000 + (k << 18), 0);
var t_l = ax - (t_h - bp[k]);
var s_l = v * ((u - s_h * t_h) - s_h * t_l);
// Compute log2(ax)
var s2 = ss * ss;
var r = s2 * s2 * (L1 + s2 * (L2 + s2 * (L3 + s2 * (L4 + s2 * (L5 + s2 * L6)))));
r += s_l *(s_h + ss);
s2 = s_h * s_h;
t_h = _ConstructDouble(_DoubleHi(3.0 + s2 + r), 0);
t_l = r - ((t_h - 3.0) - s2);
// u+v = ss*(1+...)
u = s_h * t_h;
v = s_l * t_h + t_l * ss;
// 2/(3log2)*(ss+...)
// p_h = u + v;
// __LO(p_h) = 0;
p_h = _ConstructDouble(_DoubleHi(u + v), 0);
p_l = v - (p_h - u);
z_h = cp_h * p_h; // cp_h+cp_l = 2/(3*log2)
z_l = cp_l * p_h + p_l * cp + dp_l[k];
// log2(ax) = (ss+..)*2/(3*log2) = n + dp_h + z_h + z_l
var t = n;
// t1 = (((z_h+z_l)+dp_h[k])+t);
// __LO(t1) = 0;
var t1 = _ConstructDouble(_DoubleHi(((z_h + z_l) + dp_h[k]) + t), 0);
var t2 = z_l - (((t1 - t) - dp_h[k]) - z_h);
// Now t1 + t2 = log2(ax), but we don't need the extra precision so just sum them up.
return t1 + t2;